The Chakra Shoppe


5th Chakra Aura Spray

5th Chakra Aura Spray Image

5th Chakra Balancing Aura Spray
Voice - Truth - Timing

When 5th chakra is balanced you can operate from innermost truth, express yourself freely, allow creativity expression in the world and know what to say and when.

The Chakra Shoppe Aura Sprays provide an instant infusion of aroma and vibration for the outer layer of the aura, for immediate soothing. This powerful yet gentle formula is helpful for a quick enhancement of vibrations to calm the upset of a stressful situation, life challenge or boost the frequency for self-empowerment.

The Chakra Shoppe fifth chakra formula resonates with a pungent and crisp stimulation. White and light purple blossoms and fruit essences vibrate the naturally balanced frequency of fifth chakra. These essences intend to create a natural enhancement and revitalization by connecting our spirits to clarity and truth.

4 Oz.

Your Price:$24.95